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TaskFarmer is a workflow manager developed in-house at NERSC to coordinate single or multicore tasks. It tracks which tasks have completed successfully, and allows straightforward re-submission of failed or un-run jobs from a task list.

Strengths of TaskFarmer

  • Good for long jobs (minutes to hours)
  • Minimal setup required
  • TaskFarmer can be restarted and begin where it left off
  • Server/worker structure is inherently load-balancing
  • Excellent support (author of TaskFarmer is NERSC staff)

Disadvantages of TaskFarmer

  • Requires an extra node devoted to running the manager process
  • Bad for short tasks (communication will be a bottleneck)
  • Not well-suited for complex job structure

How does TaskFarmer Work?

The base functionality is contained within the script which is provided by Taskfarmer. When you module load taskfarmer this script will be automatically added to your path. You can type module show taskfarmer for more information.

This script launches a server on the head node of your compute allocation. This server will keep track of the tasks on your list and the workers running on cores of the other compute nodes in your batch job. This is why you need at least two nodes for your TaskFarmer job- one node will be reserved for the TaskFarmer server.

The workers check the $THREADS environment variable (this is a TaskFarmer variable, not a Slurm variable) and spins up this many threads per node to run tasks. By default, this is set to the number of available cores on a compute node. Each thread 1) requests a task from the server, 2) is assigned the next task in the task list, 3) then forks off to run the task. Once the task is complete it communicates with the server and requests the next task.

Important TaskFarmer Information

  • The TaskFarmer server requires a full compute node, so you will need to request minimum 2 nodes in your batch script.
  • The TaskFarmer server can communicate with about 5-10 tasks per second. If more than 10 tasks are simultaneously contacting the server, communication will become a bottleneck. You will need to consider this limit when you are constructing your task list. How many tasks will you have, how long do each of them take, and how many do you expect to be simultaneously contacting the server?
  • Example 1: you have many identical tasks that all take exactly 100 seconds to run. All tasks will finish at the same time and contact the server simultaneously. This means that you should not have more than 1000 tasks or you will overwhelm the server.
  • Example 2: you have many different tasks which take between 30-60 minutes to run. You can have many more of these tasks (thousands or more) because they will not all contact the server at the same time.
  • TaskFarmer performs best with long running jobs (minutes to hours).
  • The total walltime you request should be equal to (number of tasks*task time)/$THREADS, not simply the time required to run one task.

How to run TaskFarmer

Step 0: Define your task (

In this example, we will use TaskFarmer to orchestrate this Python script (

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--avalue','-a', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--bvalue','-b', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--cvalue','-c', type=int)

args = parser.parse_args()

sum = args.avalue + args.bvalue + args.cvalue
print("sum is", sum)

You must make all your scripts executable

To enable TaskFarmer to run your scripts, you must chmod +x and

Step 1: Write a wrapper (

Next write a wrapper that defines one task that you're going to run called It should contain the executable and any options required - these will be defined in the next step.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd $SCRATCH/taskfarmer
module load python
python -a $1 -b $2 -c $3

Step 2: Create a task list (tasks.txt)

This is where you can list all the tasks you need, including all job options.

$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 0 0 1
$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 0 1 0
$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 0 1 1
$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 1 0 0
$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 1 0 1
$SCRATCH/taskfarmer/ 1 1 1

Step 3: Create a batch script (

Your batch script will specify the total time required to run all your tasks and how many nodes you want to use. Assuming you are running on the Perlmutter CPU partition, note that you need to specify the -c 128 option to ensure that all 128 cores are available to the workers, and export THREADS=128 to ensure that each task runs on one thread. The -N 2 requests two compute nodes - one will run the TaskFarmer server, and the other will run the tasks. tasks.txt is the tasklist you created in the previous step. The THREADS variable controls the number of tasks per node and defaults to 128 for Perlmutter CPU nodes. You may need to adjust this number if, for example, your application requires additional memory or uses internal threading (e.g. OpenMP or POSIX threads).

You must load the TaskFarmer module

module load taskfarmer before you submit your job!

#SBATCH -N 2 -c 128
#SBATCH -q debug
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH -C cpu

cd $SCRATCH/taskfarmer
export THREADS=128 tasks.txt

Step 4: Run TaskFarmer

module load taskfarmer


You will find several files appear in your job submission directory. Their names will depend on the name of the tasklist you created in step 2.

  • tasks.txt.tfin: Repetition of tasklist, formatted for use by TaskFarmer.
  • progress.tasks.txt.tfin: A space-delimited file that captures tracking information for each successful task. A line count of this file will show you how many tasks have completed. The first field is the byte offset into the formatted task list file. The second field is the node/thread that ran the task. The third field is the runtime in seconds for the task. The fourth field can be ignored. The fifth field is the completion time in UNIX time format. The sixth field can be ignored.
  • log.tasks.txt.tfin: Any error messages from the tasks. This is useful for identifying errors for particular tasks.
  • fast recovery.tasks.txt.tfin: This is a checkpoint file that tracks which tasks have not yet completed. If your job fails or hits wall time, you can re-run TaskFarmer with the same options and it will re-run any in-flight tasks and resume progress.
  • done.tasks.txt.tfin: Produced once all tasks are completed.

Resuming and Rerunning a Taskfarmer Job

TaskFarmer is designed to recovery easily from failures or wall-time limits. For example, if a job hits a wall-time limit, you can resubmit the same batch script and it will resume operations. A "done" file will be created once the job has finished (all tasks have completed successfully). If you wish to re-run the same job, delete the progress and done files (e.g. done.tasks.txt.tfin and progresss.tasks.txt.tfin).