Fortran Coarrays¶
The Fortran 2008 standard introduced "coarrays," which provide a new model for parallel programming integrated directly into the Fortran language. Coarrays allow an application developer to write parallel programs using only a Fortran compiler - no external APIs such as MPI or OpenMP are necessary. The Fortran 2018 standard (formerly called "Fortran 2015") extends coarrays further to include "teams" and other coarray collective procedures. Prior to becoming a part of the Fortran standard, coarrays were widely implemented in a language extension called "Co-Array Fortran" ("CAF"). More information about the motivation, design, and functionality of coarrays in Fortran 2008 can be found in this paper.
Corrays were designed with both performance and ease of use in mind. For example, consider a finite-difference code which expresses parallelism by decomposing a domain among MPI processes. The MPI processes must exchange boundary condition information with each other in order to compute the derivative of a field on the decomposed domain. Note the care which must be taken to ensure the matching sends and receives are called in the correct order to ensure that no deadlocks occur. I.e. if every rank tries to initiate a send first, then no process is available to initiate a receive. Such boundary exchange may take the following form:
! send 2 ghost zones on left and right sides to my left and right neighbors
bc_send_left = field_data(-1:0)
bc_send_right = field_data(sz+1:sz+2)
! send BCs to my left neighbor
if (my_rank > 0) call MPI_Isend( &
bc_send_left, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, proc_left, tag1, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, send1_rq, ierr)
! receive BCs from my right neighbor
if (my_rank < num_ranks-1) call MPI_Irecv( &
bc_recv_right, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, proc_right, tag4, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, recv2_rq, ierr)
! send BCs to my right neighbor
if (my_rank < num_ranks-1) call MPI_Isend( &
bc_send_right, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, proc_right, tag2, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, send2_rq, ierr)
! receive BCs from my left neighbor
if (my_rank > 0) call MPI_Irecv( &
bc_recv_left, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, proc_left, tag3, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, recv1_rq, ierr)
field_data(sz+1:sz+2) = bc_recv_right
field_data(-1:0) = bc_recv_left
A similar procedure using Fortran coarrays would look like:
if (this_image() > 1) &
field_data(sz+1:sz+2)[this_image()-1] = field_data(-1:0) ! write BCs on my left neighbor
if (this_image() < num_images()) &
field_data(-1:0)[this_image()+1] = field_data(sz+1:sz+2) ! write BCs on my right neighbor
As illustrated in these examples, the PGAS nature of coarrays allows the application developer to break the symmetry inherent to two-sided message passing in MPI, in which every "send" must match with a "receive". By contrast, with coarrays one can write data directly from one coarray image onto another, or, conversely, one can retrieve data directly from another coarray image; these procedures are analogous to the MPI_Put
and MPI_Get
procedures in one-sided MPI communication. This asymmetry often leads to fewer lines of code, as shown above, as well as higher performance than using explicit two-sided message passing.
In addition to the ease of use, due to the PGAS-style semantics of coarrays in Fortran, applications can achieve high performance at extremely high concurrency; tests at NERSC have shown that coarray programs can scale efficiently to >100,000 cores.
Compiler support on NERSC systems¶
Coarrays are a large addition to the Fortran language, and consequently compiler support of coarray codes varies. Below is a description of coarray support on each compiler supported on the NERSC systems.
The Cray Fortran compiler supports coarray code compilation by default. No extra flags are required, e.g.,
module load PrgEnv-cray
ftn my_coarray_code.f90 -o my_coarray_code.ex
Intel supports coarray compilation in two different forms: shared memory and distributed memory. By default, neither mode is active, and the compiler will throw an error if it encounters coarray syntax.
To enable coarrays for shared memory (parallelism within a single node, similar to OpenMP), one should add the compiler flag -coarray=shared
module load PrgEnv-intel
ftn -coarray=shared my_coarray_code.f90 -o my_coarray_code.ex
To enable coarrays for distributed memory (parallelism across multiple nodes, similar to MPI), one should add the flag -coarray=distributed
module load PrgEnv-intel
ftn -coarray=distributed my_coarray_code.f90 -o my_coarray_code.ex
Intel's implementations of both shared and distributed memory coarrays is currently incompatible with Cray MPI, and consequently this mode does not work on Perlmutter.
GCC supports single-image coarray compilation, and also distributed-memory coarrays via OpenCoarrays. By default, coarray support is disabled, and GCC will throw an error if it encounters coarray syntax.
GCC supports single-image coarrays via the -fcoarray=single
compiler flag:
module load PrgEnv-gnu
ftn -fcoarray=single my_coarray_code.f90 -o my_coarray_code.ex
For multi-image support, one must link the coarray code to the OpenCoarrays library via the -fcoarray=lib
flag. The OpenCoarrays module must be loaded for this to work correctly:
module load PrgEnv-gnu OpenCoarrays
ftn -fcoarray=lib my_coarray_code.f90 -o my_coarray_code.ex