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Using Shifter at NERSC

Shifter is a software package that allows user-created images to run at NERSC. These images can be Docker images or other formats. Using Shifter you can create an image with your desired operating system and easily install your software stacks and dependencies. If you make your image in Docker, it can also be run at any other computing center that is Docker friendly. Shifter also comes with improvements in performance, especially for shared libraries. It is currently the best performing option for python code stacks across multiple nodes. Also, Shifter can leverage its volume mounting capabilities to provide local-disk like functionality and I/O performance. Shifter can be used interactively on login nodes or in a batch job.

Shifter functionality at NERSC is undergoing rapid development and is an experimental service. Usage will change over time, we will do our best to keep the documentation up to date, but there may be inconsistencies. You will find general information about Shifter on the readthedocs page but please continue reading for more specific information about Shifter at NERSC.

Building Shifter Images

The easiest way to create a Shifter image is with Docker. You can run Docker on your laptop or local node (see the Docker Getting Started page for help setting up and running Docker). You can create a Docker image with your desired software and operating system. Note that you must build Docker images on x86 hardware or use a cross-platform build, since Perlmutter is an x86-based system.

When you're building images it's better to try to keep the image as compact as possible. This will decrease the time to upload the image to Docker Hub and to upload it into the Shifter framework. Images larger than about 20GB will likely timeout when uploading to Docker Hub. You can keep image size down by removing software source tarballs after you install them and by limiting images to specific target applications and what is needed to support them. Be aware that the size of an image includes all intermediate layers, not just your final layer! Read more about using multi-stage builds to remove build dependencies from your final image size. Small datasets that are static could go into an image, but it is better to put large datasets on the file system and use Shifter's volume mount capability to mount them into the image.

Once you have built your image, you can upload it to Docker Hub. Once that's done you can pull the image to NERSC. Alternatively, you can use our private image registry if you do not want to upload your image to a public repository. If your image is too large to comfortably go through Docker Hub or our private repository (> 20GB), please see our support page.

Shifter images have a naming scheme that follows source:image_name:image_version. Typically the image source will be docker and the image name and version are defined by the user.

Differences Between Shifter and Docker

Please keep in mind that root is squashed on Shifter images, so the software should be installed in a way that is executable to someone with user-level permissions. Additionally, images are mounted read-only at NERSC, so software should be configured to output to NERSC file systems, like $SCRATCH or Community. You can test user level access permissions with your docker image by running as a non-root user:

docker run -it --user 500 <image_name> /bin/bash

Currently the /etc, /var, and /tmp directories are reserved for use by the system and will be overwritten when the image is mounted.

Community must be accessed in a shifter image by using its full path /global/cfs/ instead of just /cfs.

Downloading Shifter Images To NERSC

Shifter images can be downloaded from public docker repositories.

shifterimg -v pull docker:image_name:latest

where docker:image_name:latest is replaced with some existing and publicly available docker image (like docker:ubuntu:15.10). The output will update while the image is pulled down and converted so it can run on our systems. Once the "status" field is "READY", the image has been downloaded and can be used.

To see a list of all available images, type:

shifterimg images

Shifter can also be used to pull private images. To do this you need to first do a login with shifterimg (similar to a docker login). During the image pull, you can specify which users or groups should have access to the pulled image. You can specify which registry the login is for (e.g.,, etc). Note that the login operation doesn't check the correctness of the username and password. If this is entered incorrectly, a subsequent pull would fail.

shifterimg login
default username: auser
default password:

shifterimg --user buser  pull auser/private:latest
2019-03-21T21:36:05 Pulling Image: docker:auser/private:latest, status: READY

Using MPI in Shifter

Shifter has the ability to automatically allow communication between nodes using the high-speed network. Just compile your image against the standard MPICH libraries and the Cray libraries will be swapped into the image at run time. No special compiler arguments are needed. However, the image must support a glibc version that is at or above the version required by the mpich module.

Here's an example batch script showing how to run on two nodes:

#SBATCH --image=docker:image_name:latest
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH -C cpu

srun -n 64 shifter python3 ~/

Currently this functionality is only available for images where MPICH is installed manually (i.e. not with apt-get install mpich-dev). Below is a sample Dockerfile that shows how to build a basic image with mpi4py. Note you can find this and other examples at our experimental nersc-official-images project.

FROM ubuntu:latest

    apt-get update        && \
    apt-get install --yes    \
        build-essential      \
        gfortran             \
        python3-dev          \
        python3-pip          \
        wget              && \
    apt-get clean all

ARG mpich=4.0.2
ARG mpich_prefix=mpich-$mpich

    wget$mpich/$mpich_prefix.tar.gz && \
    tar xvzf $mpich_prefix.tar.gz                                           && \
    cd $mpich_prefix                                                        && \
    ./configure                                                             && \
    make -j 4                                                               && \
    make install                                                            && \
    make clean                                                              && \
    cd ..                                                                   && \
    rm -rf $mpich_prefix

RUN /sbin/ldconfig

RUN python3 -m pip install mpi4py

We have observed that programs built with CMAKE may override the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You can use CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH to disable this behavior. You will need to make sure any libraries installed in the image are in the standard search path. We recommend running an /sbin/ldconfig as part of the image build (e.g. in the Dockerfile) to update the cache after installing any new libraries in in the image build.

Shifter Modules

Shifter modules are different than system modules

Shifter modules control Shifter functionality only. These modules are different than our system modules which are typically used via commands like module load and module show. You can invoke Shifter modules by using --module=<module name> either on the command line or in your batch script.

Shifter has functionality that can be toggled on or off using module flags. By default, the mpich module is enabled on all login nodes and compute nodes to allow MPI communication between nodes using the high-speed interconnect.

To change modules, you can add the #SBATCH --module=<module name> flag to your batch script, or via the command line, you can shifter --module=<module name>. Please take a look at the summary table below.

The current Shifter modules are:

Module Name Function
mpich Uses current optimized Cray MPI
cvmfs Makes access to DVS shared CVMFS software stack available at /cvmfs in the image
gpu Provides CUDA user driver and tools like nvidia-smi
cuda-mpich Allows CUDA-aware communication in Cray MPICH
nccl-2.15 Enables NCCL + OFI plugin for improved performance on Slingshot network; for CUDA 11 containers
nccl-2.18 Enables NCCL + OFI plugin for improved performance on Slingshot network; for CUDA 12 containers
nccl-plugin Enables NCCL OFI plugin only for improved performance on Slingshot network; for CUDA 12 containers
none Turns off all modules

Modules can be used together. For example, if you wanted MPI functionality and access to cvmfs, use #SBATCH --module=mpich,cvmfs. Using the flag none will disable all modules (even if you list others in the command line).

Shifter mpich module

The default mpich module provides CPU-only (i.e. non-CUDA-aware) Cray MPICH functionality for image that contain a build of MPICH that can be swapped at runtime for the Cray MPICH libraries.

Shifter Open MPI users

Open MPI users (or anyone who does not want the mpich module functionality) can unload it simply by specifying shifter --module=gpu. Shifter Open MPI users should also specify --mpi=pmi2. A sample srun could look like srun -N 2 --mpi=pmi2 --module=gpu shifter <Open MPI.program>

Shifter cuda-mpich module

Although the mpich module is loaded by default, it does not provide any support for CUDA-aware MPI. For this, users will need to load the cuda-mpich module. To use this module, users must build an image with both MPICH and CUDA capabilities, and the cuda-mpich module will swap the MPICH in the image with Cray's CUDA-aware MPICH at runtime. Note that this module will only work correctly on Perlmutter's GPU partition.


To use CUDA-aware Cray MPICH, the environment variable MPICH_GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED must be set. (This is required both inside and outside of Shifter.) This variable is set by default in Perlmutter's user environment, but if you have done a module purge or cleared your user environment in some way, you must ensure that this has been reset before using the cuda-mpich module in Shifter.

Shifter gpu module

The default gpu module provides tools like nvidia-smi, a CUDA user driver, and the corresponding CUDA compatibility libraries. The compatibility libraries are designed to provide backwards compatibility for CUDA versions running inside Shifter. For example, running shifter nvidia-smi may report CUDA 11.4, but the compatibility libraries enable Shifter to also run older versions of CUDA like 11.0. If for some reason you are unable to run your CUDA application with our current compatibility configuration, please let us know at

Shifter nccl modules

The Shifter NCCL modules, which are not loaded by default, enable a plugin which improves NCCL performance over Perlmutter's Slingshot network. If you are running multi-node GPU jobs which use NCCL for GPU communication (e.g., ML workloads), enabling this option is likely to improve performance. There are a few versions available depending on the CUDA version in your container and whether to provide both NCCL and the plugin or just the OFI plugin by itself. The latter is the new approach we've decided to adopt which should hopefully have better compatibility with a range of containers that already have NCCL installed.

  • The nccl-2.15 module has NCCL 2.15 and is built for CUDA 11 containers
  • The nccl-2.18 module has NCCL 2.18 and is built for CUDA 12 containers
  • The nccl-plugin module has the NCCL OFI plugin and should be compatible with a broad range of CUDA 12 containers that already have NCCL installed.

Note these are meant to be used in conjunction with the gpu module, so a #SBATCH header or shifter launch command would have to include --module=gpu,nccl-plugin for proper functionality.

Running Jobs in Shifter Images

For each of the examples below, you can submit them to the batch system with sbatch <>.

Basic Job Script

Here's the syntax for a basic Shifter script:

#SBATCH --image=docker:image_name:latest
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu

srun -n 32 shifter python3 args

This will invoke 32 instances of your image and run the in each one. If you are running in the jgi qos, you will need to add #SBATCH --exclusive for spark to work.

For serial jobs (aka shared or single-node jobs), you can leave off the srun since it runs on a single core by default:

#SBATCH --image=docker:image_name:latest
#SBATCH --qos=shared
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu

shifter python3 args

Interactive Shifter Jobs

Sometimes it may be helpful during debugging to run a Shifter image interactively. You can do this on any NERSC login node or via the batch system. To get an interactive session on a login node use

shifter --image=docker:image_name:latest /bin/bash

or via the batch system to get an interactive bash shell in your Shifter image on a single node.

salloc -N 1 -p debug --image=docker:image_name:latest -t 00:30:00
shifter /bin/bash

Please note that for these examples to work you must have bash installed in your image.

Volume Mounting in Shifter

Existing directories can be mounted inside a Shifter image using a --volume directory_to_be_mounted:targer_directory_in_image flag. This allows you to potentially run an image at multiple sites and direct the output to the best file system without modifying the code in the image. This option can be used on the shifter command-line or in an #SBATCH-directive. When specifying a volume mount in a batch submission using an #SBATCH-directive, you must avoid using environment variables such as $HOME or $SCRATCH since they will not be resolved. For example, you might want to mount your scratch directory into a directory called output in your Shifter image. You can do this with a batch directive by including the line:

#SBATCH --volume="/global/cscratch1/sd/<username>:/output"

To do multiple volume mounts, separate the mounts with a semi-colon. Also, note that Community mounts should include /global in the beginning of the path. Here is an example that mounts the same Community space in two locations inside the container:

#SBATCH --volume="/global/cfs/cdirs/mpcc:/output;/global/cfs/cdirs/mpccc:/input"

Extra permissions required to mount from $HOME

Due to behavior of our $HOME filesystem metadata server, users will need to grant o+x permission for their top-level directory on $HOME and other directories they wish to mount. Please see our FAQ page for more details.

Temporary Xfs Files for Optimizing IO

Shifter also has the ability to create temporary xfs files for each node. These files are created on the Lustre file system, but because all of the metadata operations are taking place on a single node the IO is very fast. This is a good place to put temporary output, just remember to copy anything you want to keep to a permanent home at the end of the job. Users have also had success storing small databases that will be accessed frequently in these temporary directories. You can request the temporary files be created by adding this flag to your batch script:

#SBATCH --volume="/global/cscratch1/sd/<username>/tmpfiles:/tmp:perNodeCache=size=200G"

This will create a xfs file with a 200 GB capacity for every node in the job and mount it at /tmp in the image.


If your job is frequently accessing many temporary files that are local to the node, you may find better performance writing these files to the xfs file.

Environment Variables

All environment variables defined in the calling process's environment are transferred into the image. However, any environment variables defined in the image description, e.g., Docker ENV-defined variables, will be sourced and will override those from the calling process.

The --clearenv option can be specified to ignore the external environment. If --env-file=/path/to/env/file is specified, then environmental variables will be read from the file and set in the image environment. Lines in the env file starting with # or only containing white-space will be ignored. Quotes embedded in a variable name or value will be copied into the environment.

Environment variables can also be set on the command line with shifter --env=<name>=<value> or shifter -e <name>=<value>. Multiple --env=<name>=<value> or -e <name>=<value> arguments can be specified to set specific environmental variables in the image environment.

The order of precedence of the image environment is:

  1. LD_*, RTLD_*, TMPDIR in the external environment are unset.
  2. All remaining environment variables in the external environment are set in the image (unless --clearenv is specified).
  3. Any environment variables specified in the image definition are set.
  4. Any environment variables specified in the optional env file are set.
  5. Any environment variables specified by --env options are set.
  6. Any environment variables modified/set by active Shifter modules.
  7. Any environment variables modified/set by the site Shifter configuration.

Running multiple Shifter containers

You can also run several different Shifter images inside of a single job. The script below starts two images. The first runs only once and uses the workflow_manager image. Inside this image it runs a lightweight manager program that mostly sleeps and occasionally monitors the other jobs. The second image runs 4096 times (on 32 cores for 128 nodes) and uses the workflow image. It runs the script that checks in with the workflow manager and runs the heavy workload. The second image also binds a directory on our Lustre scratch file system to a predefined directory inside the image.

#SBATCH --image=docker:workflow:latest
#SBATCH -N 128
#SBATCH -q regular
#SBATCH -C cpu

tasks = $(( 128 * 32 ))

srun -N 1 -n 1 shifter --image=docker:workflow_manager:latest &
srun -N 128 -n $tasks shifter --volume=$SCRATCH/path/to/my/data:/data/in