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Compilers are installed on all NERSC compute systems so that users may compile and run their codes. NERSC provides multiple versions of compilers for the C, C++, and Fortran languages on each system.

HPE Cray, AMD, NVIDIA, LLVM and GNU compilers are available through modules on Perlmutter.

AMD and LLVM compilers not currently covered

Content related to these compilers is under development and will be added when ready.

Compiler wrappers provided by the vendor wrap the base compilers on the machine. These wrappers are the recommended way to invoke compilers on NERSC machines, for a number of reasons:

  1. Compiler wrappers cross-compile for the appropriate compute-node target.
  2. Compiler wrappers automatically include the path to MPI header files and take care of resolving MPI paths during the linking stage of compilation.
  3. The command to invoke the compiler is independent of the underlying base compiler. This results in fewer changes to your Makefile when switching to a new base compiler.

The set of compilers underlying the compiler wrappers are known as base compilers. The available base compilers vary depending on the compute system. Base compilers, without wrappers, can also be used to compile non-MPI codes.