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Spack v0.22

The spack v0.22 stack is built using the Spack release v0.22. The software stack is built using the gcc compiler. You can access this software stack by running:

module load spack/0.22

Once you load the module, you will get a message banner, its worth noting that one needs to change to a spack environment to access software.

elvis@perlmutter> module load spack/0.22
     Welcome to Spack!

     In order to access the production stack, you will need to load a spack environment. Here are some tips to get started:

     'spack env list' - List all Spack environments
     'spack env activate gcc' - Activate the "gcc" Spack environment
     'spack env status' - Display the active Spack environment
     'spack load amrex' - Load the "amrex" Spack package into your user environment

     For additional support, please refer to the following references:

       NERSC E4S Documentation:
       E4S Documentation:
       Spack Documentation:
       Spack Slack:


To see available spack environments you can run the following

elvis@perlmutter> spack env list
==> 2 environments
    cuda  gcc

If you want to activate a spack environment you can run the following

elvis@perlmutter> spack env activate cuda
elvis@perlmutter> spack env st
==> In environment cuda

Breakdown of Installed Specs

Shown below is a breakdown of installed specs by environment.

Spack Environments Compiler Root Specs Depedencies Specs Total Packages Required Modules
gcc gcc@12.3.0 63 131 193 PrgEnv-gnu, gcc-native/12.3
cuda gcc@12.3.0 12 35 56 PrgEnv-gnu, gcc-native/12.3, cudatoolkit/12.2

Shown below are the root specs installed for each environment

Spack Environment - gcc
elvis@perlmutter> spack find -rf
==> In environment gcc
==> 63 root specs
-- no arch / gcc@12.3.0 -----------------------------------------
[+] adios2%gcc@12.3.0
[+] amrex%gcc@12.3.0
[+] autoconf%gcc@12.3.0
[+] automake%gcc@12.3.0
[+] boost%gcc@12.3.0
[+] butterflypack%gcc@12.3.0
[+] caliper%gcc@12.3.0
[+] cdo%gcc@12.3.0
[+] chapel%gcc@12.3.0
[+] cmake%gcc@12.3.0
[+] datatransferkit%gcc@12.3.0
[+] fortrilinos%gcc@12.3.0
[+] gasnet%gcc@12.3.0
[+] gawk%gcc@12.3.0
[e] git%gcc@12.3.0
[+] gmake%gcc@12.3.0
[+] gromacs%gcc@12.3.0
[+] gsl%gcc@12.3.0
[+] h5bench%gcc@12.3.0
[+] hdf5%gcc@12.3.0
[+] heffte%gcc@12.3.0 +fftw
[+] hpctoolkit%gcc@12.3.0
[+] hpx%gcc@12.3.0  max_cpu_count=512 networking=mpi
[+] hypre%gcc@12.3.0
[+] kokkos%gcc@12.3.0 +openmp
[+] kokkos-kernels%gcc@12.3.0 +openmp
[+] libcint%gcc@12.3.0
[+] libint%gcc@12.3.0  tune=molgw-lmax-7
[+] libxc%gcc@12.3.0
[+] likwid%gcc@12.3.0
[+] mercury%gcc@12.3.0
[+] metis%gcc@12.3.0
[+] mfem%gcc@12.3.0
[+] nano%gcc@12.3.0
[+] nccmp%gcc@12.3.0
[+] ncl%gcc@12.3.0
[+] nco%gcc@12.3.0
[+] nco%gcc@12.3.0
[+] ncview%gcc@12.3.0
[+] netcdf-c%gcc@12.3.0 ~mpi
[+] netcdf-fortran%gcc@12.3.0
[+] netlib-scalapack%gcc@12.3.0
[+] openpmd-api%gcc@12.3.0
[+] papi%gcc@12.3.0
[+] parmetis%gcc@12.3.0
[+] pdt%gcc@12.3.0
[+] petsc%gcc@12.3.0
[+] phist%gcc@12.3.0
[+] plasma%gcc@12.3.0
[+] plumed%gcc@12.3.0
[+] py-h5py%gcc@12.3.0
[+] py-petsc4py%gcc@12.3.0
[+] qthreads%gcc@12.3.0  scheduler=distrib
[+] slate%gcc@12.3.0 ~cuda
[+] slepc%gcc@12.3.0
[+] strumpack%gcc@12.3.0 ~slate
[+] sundials%gcc@12.3.0
[+] superlu%gcc@12.3.0
[+] superlu-dist%gcc@12.3.0
[+] swig%gcc@12.3.0
[+] tau%gcc@12.3.0 +mpi+python
[+] trilinos%gcc@12.3.0 +amesos+amesos2+anasazi+aztec+belos+boost+epetra+epetraext+ifpack+ifpack2+intrepid+intrepid2+isorropia+kokkos+minitensor+ml+muelu+nox+phalanx+piro+rol+rythmos+sacado+shards+shylu+stk+stokhos+stratimikos+superlu-dist+teko+tempus+tpetra+trilinoscouplings+zoltan+zoltan2 gotype=long_long
[+] upcxx%gcc@12.3.0

==> 193 installed packages (not shown)
Spack Environment - cuda
elvis@perlmutter> spack find -rf
==> In environment cuda
==> 12 root specs
-- no arch / gcc@12.3.0 -----------------------------------------
[+] amrex%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80   [+] kokkos%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda+wrapper cuda_arch=80  [+] petsc%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80  [+] strumpack%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda~slate cuda_arch=80
[+] heffte%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80  [+] kokkos-kernels%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80  [+] slate%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80  [+] sundials%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80
[+] hypre%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80   [+] magma%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80           [+] slepc%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80  [+] superlu-dist%gcc@12.3.0 +cuda cuda_arch=80

==> 56 installed packages (not shown)